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There are few radioshows and podcasts focusing on sustainability BUT none of them is in Hebrew. As a native Hebrew speaker I will explore different topics and their connection to sustainability.

Photo by Jon Flobrant 


Eco Keller 1- Jewelry & Sustainability

In this episode, you could hear about my professional journey as a jewelry and accessories designer. At some point, I started questioning my work as a jewelry designer regarding sustainable issues and I started to research the topic. If you want to know what I discovered about the jewelry industry listen to the full podcast episode.

Eco Keller 2- Amazon Fires

The second chapter of the podcast was supposed to focus on ways to be a more conscious jewelry consumer but there were massive fires all around the Amazon Rainforest (mainly in Brazil). This has been an extreme event in terms of sustainability so this episode is focused o the fire and what can we do as people all around the world to minimize these fires and the use of rainforest trees


Photo by  Chandler Cruttenden 


Eco Keller 3- Jewelry & Sustainability 2

This is the second chapter of diamonds are forever. It is a continuity for the first chapter. In this chapter, I share a bit what I do now and also the status of the industry in regards to sustainability at the moment, and of course some tips and places where to shop sustainable jewelry and how to prolong your jewelry life span. 

Eco Keller 4- Cosmetics &


This episode is all about cosmetic and the impacts of this industry on the environment and the living creatures on this planet. I talk about the chemicals used in conventional cosmetic products from soaps to make up products. These chemicals after the usage phase continue their journey into our waterways and air. Another issue is, of course, plastic packaging and their single usage in the cosmetic industry. Listen to hear more about this topic and get to know sustainable brands and places to buy more consciously cosmetic products. 


Photo by Ian Dooley


Eco Keller 5- Climate


This episode is all about the climate crisis and the demonstrations that have been held around the world during September 2019. What is the climate crisis actually, what does it mean and how the current demonstrations wave started. Of course, I would talk about Greta Thunberg and the UN climate summit that was held in September as well. 

Photo by Nico Roicke 

Eco Keller 6- Food & Sustainability

This episode takes us to a step by step journey alongside the food that we eat. Starting from understanding how our global food system works and what are the impacts of this system and its loopholes. On the one hand, there are hungry people around the world and on the other hand, there are tonnes of food thrown to the garbage every minute around the world. So what can we do? 


Photo by Neven Krcmarek


Eco Keller 7- Interview with Toby from The Real Junk Food Project Berlin 

As part of this episode, I interviewed Toby from The Real Junk Food Project in Berlin. Toby shared how he started with the project, what are the main activities that the project is focused on and what are their aims when talking about the problems around food waste.

Eco Keller 8- 2019 summary

2019 was a turbulent year in terms of sustainability. New legislation and policies were introduced around the world. On the other hand, extreme weather events occurred worldwide side by side to extreme fires in the Amazon rainforest and other environmental and social disasters. In this episode, I wanted to highlight positive and great new innovations, projects and actions done during the last year of the second decade of the 21st century. 


Photo by NordWood Themes 


Eco Keller 9- What is going on in the fires in Australia 

Australia has become a really dry continent in the last decades as a result of climate change. The extreme fires that the country has experienced at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 were out of control and exceptional events even for Australian who got used to this climate

Photo by Thomas Ehling

Eco Keller 10- the connection between sustainability and finanace

Does it make sense that our financial system is tightly connected to sustainability? If so, in which way? Money is probably one of the most powerful forces existing in our current times and this is why it plays a massive role when it comes to sustainable strategies, action plans and regulations worldwide. 


Photo by Ibrahim Rifath


Eco Keller 11- Is plastic that fantastic?

We meet plastic regularly every day, from furniture, some textiles and of course many packages of almost any product we buy and use. Many of these packages and products find themselves thrown to the garbage short time after use, in some cases after just one hour. 

Photo by Marc Newberry 

Eco Keller 12- Transportation and sustainability

Interview with Ira Shefer 

It is clear that the fact that we constantly move around the world impacts the ecosystems of this planet earth. On the other hand, how we live today forces us to move much more but there are many different forces pushing the transportation industry in different directions. Improving train systems and services, offering more bike lanes and expanding car-sharing models. More details in the first part out of two around sustainability and transportation.


Photo by Waldemar Brandt 


Eco Keller 13- The Corona outspread and sustainability

Since the beginning of 2020 all around the world, we got to know a new virus, COVID-19. As a result of the spread of the virus, flights were stopped, people all around the world moved to work remotely from home, and shops around the world were closed for months. The outbreak of the virus changed our lifestyles and this has many sustainable implications that are discussed in this episode.

​Photo by Edwin Hooper

Eco Keller 14- Transportation and sustainability second part

Interview with Ira Shefer 

Although we are still in the middle of the Corona crisis and there are many things in our lives that will not be the same as transportation it is relevant to issue to people all around the world. In this episode, we would discuss more into details about electric cars, car-sharing models, and new legislation in Germany and Europe about energy, transportation, and it' future.


Photo by Ben Garratt


Eco Keller 15- Fashion, sustainability and COVID-19

Since COVID-19 spread in China at the beginning of 2020 the fashion supply chain worldwide experienced many disruptions, delays, and different challenges. This is on top of the regular sustainable risks and challenges. In the first episode in this mini-series, I would highlight what was the situation in the industry the evening before this virus entered our lives and what happened all around the world since then.  

​Photo by Utopia By Cho

Eco Keller 16 - Fashion, sustainability and COVID-19 second part 

Since COVID-19 spread in China at the beginning of 2020 the fashion supply chain worldwide experienced many disruptions, delays, and different challenges. This is on top of the regular sustainable risks and challenges. In the second episode in this mini-series, we dig deeper into the opportunities around integrating sustainability in a broader scope to the fashion industry. 


 Photo by Algi 


Eco Keller 17- the story behind the second-hand garments industry

In recent years second-hand clothes became more and more hip and cool all around the world. It is definitely one of the easiest ways and even the cheapest ways to start a sustainable wardrobe. On the other hand, there are also many problems associated with the second-hand clothing industry. There definitely things worth knowing especially if you are big fans of thrift shops.

Photo by Sean Benesh 

Eco Keller 18 - What you need to know about recycling- part 1

Recycling is one of the most associated words to sustainability and it is definitely a main part of living in a more sustainable world. In this episode, we would explore the history of recycling and define some ground rules focused on recycling. Recycling is such a common word and concept when talking about sustainability but it is also complex and can be really confusing and this is episode is here to clarify some of these questions.


Photo by Hamza Javaid


Eco Keller 19- What you need to know about recycling- part 2

In this episode we dive more into details regarding which type of waste goes to which bin including any forbidden items to put in each bin. No matter how many materials are now available for recycling there are still so many items that can't be recycled putting even more emphasis on the fact that we need to choose what we buy really consciously. 

Photo by Alfonso Navarro

Eco Keller 20- A summary of worldwide events that were associated with sustainability 

As the last podcast for now, we didn't focused on any specific topic rather going over many worldwide events and their connection to sustainability. During 2019-2020 many extreme events happened around the world changing routines and habits but at the same time many natural disasters, all have tremendous impacts on our lives. In the end of the episode there was aa part devoted to a few tips for more sustainable lifestyles. 


Photo by Noah Buscher 



Would be really happy to hear from you. If you have questions, thoughts, ideas or any other comment. 

Photo by Annie Spratt 

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